
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes 2/05/2022

ECAA Board of Directors
Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2022
Once Upon a Time Events
Barn Wedding Venue
Kiowa, Colorado
2:30 pm


Attending: Bob Hammervold, Chairperson, Wendy Walp, Treasurer, Sheila Zuschek, Secretary, Alan Homan, Mermber at Large, Lark Fogel, Member at Large, Tonya Roche, Chair Emeritus, and Roann Keen


Bob called the meeting to order at 2:36 p.m.

I. Approval of the Minutes

Bob Hammervold moved to adopt the minutes from the January board of directors meeting. Lark seconded the motion. The minutes were adopted by a unanimous vote.


II. Volunteer Time

Board members reported the following volunteer hours for the past month.

Bob Hammervold – 8.5 hours

Wendy Walp – 3 hours

Sheila Zuschek – 20 hours

Alan Holman – 2 hours

Lark Fogel – 6 hours


III. Financial Report

Wendy confirmed that Bob, Sheila and she had set up a new account at Bank of the West in Elizabeth with a $50 balance. Sheila indicated that she and Bob would arrange to close the BOK account, which currently has a balance of $2885.28. She also reported that the Paypal account currently has $253.33. Alan Holman counted the cash on hand from the Chili Cook Off event. There was $274.17 in donations plus $50 in cash registration fees. account. $324.17 in cash. Wendy noted that the donations included the $50 Tonya donated back from her Chili Cook Off prize money. Wendy will write a check to Diane Stack for $25 for her Popular Choice prize money. The Chili Cook Off brought in $512.00.


IV. Grant Update

Last week, Bob, Sheila, and Tonya met the previous week to discuss strategies to approaching a tourism management grant available from the state of Colorado. They put together a list of options (attached) and settled on applying for the grant in order to conduct an agritourism related feasibility study and/or economic impact study. Bob is conducting research on narrowing the scope and obtaining bids from consultants who would conduct the study. Bob has talked to the group working on Casey Jones Park development (MIG), who recommended a consulting firm. Greg Laudenslager also recommended a consultant. Bob will follow up with them early this coming week. He will also talk with Marc Dettenreider of the Economic Development department in order to coordinate with the county’s Master Plan. 

He also said he is exploring a Gates Family Foundation does provide capital improvement grants. Bob is exploring this for the greenhouse at the HEC. They have two deadlines March 15 and September 15. They will want our financial statements, and the grant is repeatable. 

Other grant opportunities are available through:

  • Colorado Department of Education
  • El Pomar Foundation
  • Department of Agriculture

V. Homestead Education Center

Bob talked to the McFaddens of Colorado Greenhouse. He thinks we will need about $100,000 for the first greenhouse with a storage space that would allow ECAA to reopen the Marketplace and have storage there. Bob will provide them with drawings for a 20’x40’ module. We would have to pay for the infrastructure such as water, sewer, electrical, as well as, the materials from Colorado Greenhouse. ECAA will need to provide labor. He would be interested in developing geothermal heat. Wendy noted Panterra does geothermal and may be interested in marketing opportunities in Elbert County.
With regard to the Pavilion, Bob we can add to the structure to make it larger, though we have to be attentive to the history. Though it is not a historic landmark it has historical value to the community. 

VI. Programs and Activities

Sheila presented the programs for 2022 (attachment 2). She added that she is still working on activities such as a potential partnership with the Chamber on bringing in a nationally renowned speaker on developing destinations. She is also hoping to hear from Kim Babcock about having a foraging hike in one of the parks in Elizabeth this summer.


VII. Visitor Guide Ad

Wendy motioned to purchase a ¼ page ad in the Elizabeth Area Chamber’s visitors guide. Tonya seconded the motion. the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Sheila Zuschek