
ECAA Roundup 1/13/2023

January 13, 2023

Hardship Assistance for Local Farms

During the pandemic, ECAA was added to the list of non-profit organizations through which individuals can receive credit for community service work required as part of a sentence ordered by a court. Obviously these are not hardened felons, and ECAA only accepts volunteers through this program who are under the age of 18. These volunteers are not always available, but if you or someone you know is infirm due to age or illness or experiencing some hardship you can contact any member of the board of directors. We will be happy to see if there is anyone able to assist through the program.

Cookoffs are Coming

Registration is now open for the 2nd Annual ECAA Community Chili Cookoff being held January 28th at Once Upon A Time Events. For more information go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/429717946947. If you like the heat, stay in the kitchen and also sign up for the Community Cajun Cookoff in February: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/431860274707. Sponsorship opportunities are available for you to showcase your business. If you like to eat more than cook, come on over. Admission is free and you can participate in the People’s Choice Award voting.

Are Your Bees Vaccinated?

Last week the USDA approved the first ever vaccination for bees against American Foulbrood. The vaccine is administered orally to the queen through the royal jelly her bees feed to her. It is then carried in her ovaries and transmitted to her brood. For more information go to: https://modernfarmer.com/2023/01/honeybee-vaccine/.

The Fourth Sister

The seed catalogs have arrived and you are certainly planning your summer garden by now. There’s another plant to consider that might your three sisters: bee plant. Attractive to pollinators the young plant is edible. As a mature plant it becomes malodorous, deterring insects and animals. Check out the full article at: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/life/home/was-there-a-fourth-sister/article_5ee1a77e-e65c-11eb-ad4d-53d0da84c784.html?fbclid=IwAR2qZNVnCt77fwGl9Y5ludrqo-wJ5O97Dafh7i4WYElTu-BVQv_sMJJz3BQ.

Dues are Due

Are you a paid member? Now is the time to join or renew your membership in ECAA supporting local agricultural related businesses. To pay your dues click on the Membership tab on https://elbertcountyagalliance.org and select either the membership application or the renewal page. Memberships run from January 1-December 31st.


George Washington Carver helped develop the first agriculture department at what prestigious Southern university?

Homestead Fair Committee

The Homestead Fair Committee is reforming in 2023; and we need you. Committee members will help in venue selection and program development, recruit vendors and sponsors, and/or boost the marketing campaign. Many hands make light work and starting in early 2023 will make planning that much easier. Contact Tonya Roche at tonya.roche@elbertcountyagalliance.org for more information.

If you have announcements or classifieds that should be included in the next Roundup? Send them to news@elbertcountyagalliance.org.

Trivia Answer: Tuskegee University