
ECAA Roundup 8/26/2022

August 26, 2022

Common Scents for Working Dogs
On September 6th Victoria Long will be teaching a scent work class for dogs. For more information go to https://www.thewineglassranch.com.

Old Time Cookbooks Go Digital
The White House Cookbook was first published in 1887 and released in revised versions over the years. Cookbook collectors and homesteaders the history contained in the pages of these older household manuals. The original White House Cookbook is available as a reprint on Amazon, but it’s also available for free on the Project Gutenberg website. Learn how to carve up a side of beef, make turtle soup, or brew beer at:  https://www.gutenberg.org/files/13923/13923-h/13923-h.htm.

What percentage of food purchased for household consumption do Americans throw away? See below for the answer.

Time is Money: ROI for Your Farm
Are you using your time productively? This article from Agweb.com gives some food for thought on how you spend your time and your money. https://www.agweb.com/news/business/taxes-and-finance/shay-foulk-shedding-new-light-roi-your-farm.

Member Promotional Opportunity
One of the biggest events in Elizabeth is the Area Chamber of Commerce’s annual Harvest Festival on October 29th where local businesses hand out candy to the kids. ECAA will be joining the Harvest Festival again this year with grab bags for the kids. Last year we had a blast and handed out over 700 bags. You can get a space for your business in the grab bag for just $25. Then you provide your candy along with your business card or promotional materials. We are also looking for volunteers to help stuff and hand out the bags. To sign up go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ecaa-candy-bag-grab-at-the-elizabeth-area-chamber-harvest-festival-tickets-264864435657.

Homestead Fair Vendor and Sponsorship Opportunities
There is still some room for artisans and local producers to purchase vendor spaces at $30 for members and $70 for non-members. There are also some of featured sponsorships left for those who wish to show their support for agricultural businesses and the promotion of homesteading skills in our region. The Homestead Fair is October 8th at Casey Jones Park. For more information go to: https://elbertcountyagalliance.org/fair.

Pioneer Days
We had a great time, learned a lot, and found some inspiration at the ECAA field trip to Burlington Old Town Museum this weekend. From lost arts we want to try, to fun activities that we might try at the Homestead Fair, to upcycle decor ideas for our homes, to ideas we could incorporate into the HEC there was a lot to see, do, and discuss. If you couldn’t make it to the field trip this weekend, the Old Town Museum is open year round.

If you have announcements or classifieds that should be included in the next Roundup? Send them to news@elbertcountyagalliance.org.

Trivia Answer: About 25%.